Thursday, December 31, 2009

Research Plan

Unless he is fool than everybody need a plan
This is my plan for the research

Two weeks on January (1-15 January 2010)

  1. Completing installation DOVIS 2.0 on hastinapura server
  2. Doing run testing using dummy data on DOVIS 2.0

Next plan will be updated after I met my research advisor =)


The Blog is Revived

In the last period of my study, I choose to revive once again this blog
Well, actually I need this blog as journal on research for completing my study
And I think, I can get some help regarding my work through this media

Software that I use for this research is kinda rare
Not much biochemical researcher publish their experience on DOVIS 2.0
I hope anybody after me that using DOVIS 2.0 can get some information from the blog


Muhammad H Hilman